Randfade V1.0 30.11.2006 compiled with ccs65 v11.0 -------------------------------------------------- This is a small demo of how to fade out a textscreen by setting chars at random positions, so that the former contents of the screen will be overwritten more and more. Algorithm: On a 40x25 display there are at first m=1000 positions, where a char could be placed to overwrite a character. After that, only m=999 positions are left to be overwritten. The next char can be placed only on one of these 999 position, because we don't want to place a char two times at the same x/y coord. After 1000 steps, the screen is filled completely. Steps: 1) Set up a table t with m entries from 0 to m-1 2) Generate a random number x between 0 and m-1 3) Overwrite the char at the screen position t[x] 4) Update the table t[y!=x]->t[x] (Choose y to be not equal to x, for example: y=m-1) 5) Decrease m 6) goto 2)